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Estate Agency Marketing

Here's an overview of some of our most popular estate agency marketing and client persuasion services

Social Media Content

Content marketing for estate agents examples
The problem:

Too many estate agency blogs, newsletters and social media posts focus on the wrong subjects and can be BLAND, IRRELEVANT and UNORIGINAL. They fail to inform, stimulate, educate or amuse?


The acid test? If you gave it to them personally; would they thank you for it, remember you, and look forward to receiving the next one?

The solution:

The right words - written for you. Let us provide you with a shedload or relevant, interesting and meaningful content that not only makes you look good, but prompts calls to action too!


Rawlings 360° content is written personally by Richard Rawlings. As a property expert, articulate writer and seller persuasion specialist, he knows which buttons to press in order to deliver results. The sole purpose of this material is to enhance your reputation and generate instructions with engaging material that is interesting, topical, timely and gently persuasive. 


These are well-informed, mostly advisory. articles, highlighting the issues of the day in keeping with your style of agency, prompting your audience to engage.


This is the sort of expert advice that you would be sharing with your clients if you were face to face. Each article is crafted with your specific agency style and attributes in mind, and time-exclusive to you in your area.  

Where do I use it?

Anywhere you want your opinion, advice and expertise to be known. Social media posts, window display, email mailings, printed newsletter, mailers, etc

How do I receive the material?

Each article is approx 300-400 words in length - short enough to grab attention but long enough to engage. Each comes as a fully-editable Word document along with a 6m/12m suggested distribution planner - that's 104 weekly or bi-weekly articles for your use as you see fit in your arera. Some of the articles may be seasonal; eg "Why Sell in October". They can be found in a unique folder shared by you and us, which is continually updated.

Monthly Market Comment Video/Scripts

What it's All About?

Meaningful expert commentary that makes you look good! 

Issued during the first week of every month, using the latest economic, political and housing data, each Market Comment is designed to educate, inform and prompt action from would-be homes-sellers, with topical calls to action.

These are not Market Reports!
Market reports are boring! Who cares if the market in your area went up or down by 0.3% last month!
Although the latest market stats always feature, it is the expert commentary on the wider picture that counts. Observations and predictions about how current affairs and events are likely to affect the market are far more interesting to the average homeowner - and they position you as the credible expert agent too. 
Always upbeat yet realistic, you can be assured that Richard’s Market Comment Articles/Scripts/Videos say exactly what you need your public to hear.

What you get

Every month you receive a meaningful market comment from Richard,
in two formats:

  1. A three-minute video presented by Richard on your behalf that you can post to your website, blogs, newsletters, etc
  2. A script, giving you the words to say, so you can record your own video if you wish. This can also be used as wording for your blogs, social media, etc. 

Client Persuasion Videos

Ever wish you could tell the client what they really need to hear?


Well here's a powerful suite of short, sharp, challenging videos from multi award-winning estate agency trainer Richard Rawlings. - sometimes it takes a third party expert to persuade a client to accept the right advice. This library of dedicated Solution-to-Problem videos does exactly what it says on the tin. Simply send the right video, to the right person, at the right time in support of your agent's efforts. It's like having Richard on hand for those difficult conversations on your behalf. (Sample HERE)

What videos do you get?

You won't need all of these - just those which relate to your estate agency - we'll work with you to record/select the most appropriate following your purchase:

  • Who Decides on Value

  • Asking Price Influences

  • How to Position your Price

  • Fresh is Best - Sell Fast, Sell High 

  • Using the Buyer Enquiry Range

  • Price Repositioning

  • Why Pricing for an Low Offer Doesn't Work

  • Understanding the value of Improvements

  • Five Traps to Avoid When Selling

  • The Instant Sale - why it's not undervalued!

  • Ask These Questions when Selecting an Estate Agent

  • Why you Need ALL/SELECTED Portals

  • The Importance of Accompanied Viewings

  • Getting Ready to Sell Your Property

  • Not Sold Yet? Marketing Review.

  • Should I sell in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter? 

  • Why Sole Agency is best (long/short agency periods)

  • Why Internet-only agency doesn't stack up

  • How to avoid your sale falling through

  • Why you should use an Independent estate agency

  • When to Accept/Decline an offer

  • A Better Agent uses Better Photos

  • Chicken or Egg - Buy first or Sell?

Template Letter Pack

Template Letter Samples

QUESTION . . . .

  • Do your agency’s standard communications look tired?

  • Have they kept up with the latest in client expectations?

  • Do they make you look good, or simply average?

  • Do they convey your preferred agency personality?

  • Are they persuasive/professional /authoritative enough?

  • Do they engage, inspire and stimulate a response?


Over 100 engaging, informative and persuasive letter/email templates for your Estate Agency.

A reliable and proven series of every written communication your agency could possibly need - with a whole section dedicated to prospecting/canvassing.


Your business communications and prospecting material in a box - all personally written by award-winning estate agency trainer and content writer, Richard Rawlings.

Seller Advice Evenings

Richard Rawlings presenting a Seller Advice Evening

​Committed Sellers on a Plate!


Are you interested in attracting committed local sellers who are seriously thinking of selling or who are frustrated with their current agent and could be encouraged to switch agents?


Then why not invite award-winning estate agency trainer, Richard Rawlings to do the work for you and help you organise a Sellers’ Advice Evening at your branch or a suitable venue.


The evening offers friendly, free, up-to-the-minute advice to anyone who is currently contemplating a move or who might have already chosen an agent who is not performing well enough.


What you get


You receive blog content, advert copy, mailers and invitation suggestions that you send to key prospects, and even to each of your competitors’ clients, plus editorial content and press releases. Richard Rawlings will personally attend on the night, MC the event if required, provide you with a pre-written director’s introductory speech and deliver a powerful 90 minute presentation followed by a Q&A session that guarantees to have sellers begging to instruct you.


A testimony from a Taunton agent following his first Seller Advice Evening:


“I have to admit we were a little on edge before our seller’s Seminar last Wednesday evening at The Holiday Inn. We’d engaged a speaker of international acclaim and booked the biggest and best suite in the hotel.


Large tables bowed under the weight of gallons of hot tea and coffee as 100 seats in regimented rows eagerly awaited bottoms. But would our efforts be rewarded? It was after all a cold wet January night and would anyone be sufficiently interested to pull themselves away from the comfort of a warm fire to listen to someone giving a lecture on the confounded housing market?


Our fears were soon allayed. People started to trickle in and within half an hour that trickle became a steady stream and by 7pm we had a roomful! Our guest speaker, and estate agency trainer of the year Richard Rawlings promised sellers expert advice and valuable tips and that’s precisely what they got.


With the aid of informed, objective reasoning and ingenious graphics, Richard impressed upon a captivated audience the importance of correct pricing among other ways of securing a successful sale.


A vigorous Questions and Answers session followed for well over an hour past the scheduled end time, where houses-selling anomalies were forcefully aired and it was evident that many of the attendees had suffered bad experiences.


Ducking no issues and with helpful, honest responses, Richard Rawlings tackled numerous subjects including gazumping, gazundering, stamp duty thresholds, problem sales, buyer qualification and the psychology of buying.


When Michael Willey eventually called time our speaker had to be prised away from his enthusiastic audience and with such a marvellous response it was clear that our initiative had been a resounding success and the local PR has been superb! Several valuations were booked during the evening and within a few days we secured the first of several instructions directly as a result of the event, so we have already booked Richard for two more sessions in the coming months!”

Chris Willey, Wilsons Estate Agents, Taunton

Caroline Newman

Caroline Newman, Newmans, Rugby

"Wow - a 40.5% open rate from the very first article we sent! that's far better than the 27% we were getting with or previous supplier"


Andrew Richardson, Jackson-Stops, Chichester

"Same again please"
(on ordering his 5th year of
marketing content).

George Tatham-Losh of Move Cheltenham

George Tatham-Losh, Move, Gloucestershire

"I have just renewed my marketing content programme with Richard Rawlings for the second year running. Where would I be without it? Richard is a master at finding, articulating and communicating my agency's unique client benefits in a way that is informative but subtly persuasive." 

The Rawlings 360 Approach

Over 30 years to research and develop a service every progressive estate agent should be using right now.

Richard Rawlings estate agency training awards and credentials
 01242 421 002.  Email Us Here
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