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  • How can I expect to raise my fees when my competitors are charging peanuts?
    Great question, and one that most agents attending this course ask themselves! It's a serious issue but by no means one that cannot be overcome, when you use the techniques presented on this course. You'll leave the training walking tall and wondering why you were ever worried by cheaper agents. Trust me on this! R.
  • Can we arrange for you to present this to our team in person?
    Certainly - I'd be happy to do this as a half-day seminar when combined with another topic (eg Persuasive Pitching) for the other half-day, persented on the same day. £1,999 plus VAT and max expenses of £150 a day. Please email to book a date and we'll send you an Agency Analsis Worksheet to complete in advance.
  • We are a small agency and I don't need all 15 log-ins. Do I get a small agency discount?
    What would you think of me if I reduced my fees when I'm claiming to help you protect yours? I guarantee that if even one listing agent attends and then puts this material into practice, you'll see a return on your investment of many times its cost in a very short time - possibly hours! If you don't believe me then check out the dozens of testimonials from the link higher up this page. R. (PS: I'd turn a blind eye if you wanted to double up with another agency as long as the total number of log-ins does not exceed 15!)
  • We operate in an area where higher fees have proven to be almost impossible to achieve. Why should we take your word for it?
    I have heard that a thousand times and on every occasion those who have attended this seminar go out and prove themselves wrong. You'll find so much of this is a mindset thing and you are basing your current beliefs on what you have been told in the past. I'll prove to you that what you were told is simply WRONG, and I'll show you how to correct this. R.
  • Doesn't persuasive pitching simply mean quoting the highest asking price and the lowest fee?
    Ha! That is what untrained agents do - and it can cost both their agency and the client a lot of time and money. Your job is to open the seller's eyes to these cheap tricks, ensuring that you get a saleable instruction at the right fee along the way. Trust me in this - you can do it! R.
  • Does "Persuasive" mean "Salesy"?"
    In this context "persuasive" does mean enhancing your sales skills , but always with professionalism, but never overly "salesy". The skills you'll learn on this seminar will enable you to persuade without being pushy or inappropriate. These include elements of psychology and challenge, as well as intelligent ways of presenting your suggested asking price to an undecided seller. The aim is to get the seller on your side every step of the way.
  • I know someone who went on this course and they use some really clever visuals. Are these included in this online version?
    Absolutely. Part of the art of persuading a client on eg the correct suggested asking price, is based on how you present certain facts and figures. These full visuals are provided as part of your support notes. However, it is often your ability to demonstrate your expertise by being able to illustrate your point "on the back of an envelope" that makes the greatest difference in securing the instruction. It's your call!
  • Will there be any other costs involved in setting up this service within my agency?
    Amazingly - not a penny, other than the direct costs involved in progressing a transaction as usual. No advertising, no recruiting, no portal or social media costs. In fact, during this seminar we'll show you why you might prefer to keep this profitable service under the radar!
  • Isn't buyer representation usually only for top-end relocation buyers?
    Traditionally yes, but not with the system you'll learn, which opens up the whole market, other than those buyers with very high LTV mortgage needs.
  • Does representing buyers using your system involve a whole new raft of paperwork?
    This seminar provides you with all the documentation you could possibly require in order to offer this service professionally. Most of it will have similarities with documentation you already use for with sellers, plus a few more that are quite straightforward once you have been shown how to use them.
  • We are already at capacity - won't I need to recruit someone to manage this service?
    Ask yourself this question...if the market was so good that you were easily able to double your current sales tomorrow, could you cope? Most agents could, during these times of relatively low stock levels. But if your answer is no, you'd probably WANT to recruit someone to handle the additional business. I'd expect you to be in this position following the seminar, which I promise will turn your existing thinking on its head! R.
  • I have heard that this seminar will show me how I can legitimately access my competiors' stock! How is this possible?
    Absolutely you can access your competitor's' stock. This seminar shows you how you can not only access their stock, but also make money from some of their sales too.
  • Doesn't representing buyers creates a conflict of interest with the seller?
    A lot of agents initially think this, and rightly so. You can represent the buyer OR the seller in respect of a property transaction, but never both. The system of buyer representation you'll learn on this course NEVER results in a conflict of interest and you can legitimately charge commission to both sellers and buyers in respect of different transactions.
  • Can I add these documents to my agency's Spectre account/CRM system?
    Absolutely! Each piece is supplied as a Word document. You should check each one, make it your own and add to any CRM system, as you no doubt have in the past, and certainly to update your existing material. The PROSPECTING series is especially well-suited for Spectre users, who also enjoy a 25% discount on the published price.
  • How do I know these templates will suit my estate agency?
    Each letter is written by Richard Rawlings, who, as an estate agency trainer, has an excellent handle on the concepts and key messages that he recommends you should be using. Some letters are gently persuasive, others are more assertive. All are professional, personable and fully editable. So if something is not perfectly alligned with your own "way" then use the material as a solid foundation for your own distinctive version - fully reflective of your agency's personality.
  • Do the articles come with IMAGES?
    Every article comes with a suggested image, in 1:1 Instagrammable ratio with the subject header embedded in it for added clickbait appeal.
  • Is the material you supply EXCLUSIVE to my agency?
    Your compilation of articles is exclusive to you - nobody else anywhere has the same pack as you. This is because the packs are compiled taking into account the specific attributes, style and key messages of your agency. Certain articles may be available to other agents as well, but we do our best to ensure that these are not in the same area or at the same time.
  • Can I take the CREDIT as the writer myself?
    Absolutely! I am effectively your ghost writer, helping you to communicate your existing expertise. And as they are exclusive to you locally, you can put your name to them - and ideally your photo too. But do also take the opportunity to give some credit to your colleagues too - especially your listers. Let them build a name as the expert themselves as this really impresses prospective vendors on a listing...."Here's a blog I wrote about that very subject, Mrs Seller!"
  • How LONG does my scheduled programme last?
    During your licence period (min 12m) we grant you the exclusive right to publish any material supplied. This can be on your website, digital newsletters, social media, etc as well as within the general area of your stated location, hard copy flyers, mailers, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, window display cards etc. Our copyright is assigned to you for the duration of your subscription only and is automatically revoked at the end of this time, plus six weeks. You'll receive a fresh batch of articles on renewal of your subscription.
  • Won't some of my articles be OUT OF DATE if they are supplied 12 or 24m in advance?
    Good question - but you can sleep easy on this point. Many articles are not time-sensitive, such as "How to Tell your Children You're Moving". Others, such as a budget comment or SDLT advice need to be right up to the minute. Your articles are sent to you via a series of links within your distribution planner. Each of these links to the master document which I am able to update before your publication date.I know which articles are time-sensitive and these are continually reviewed, so you know you always have the most up-to-the-minute topics available.
  • Do you provide LETTINGS articles targeting landlords?
    Absolutely. There are hundreds of LETTINGS articles available with a specific focus on educating and influencing landlords. This is especially important due to the amount of legislative changes of which your landlords and prospects should be aware. Please contact us if you'd like to add a discounted lettings series to your default sales series for only £49 a month.
  • Can I expect additional material in response to TOPICAL events?
    Absolutely! From time to time current affairs such as a budget, legislation change, major sporting event, extreme weather, etc come along that are newsworthy from an agent's perspective. I always send my clients ad hoc material, often on the day it happens, so you can always expect to be seen as the current expert - whatever the news. And usually with a positive spin too!
  • What HAPPENS when I place my order?
    As soon as you have placed your order, we’ll confirm that your requested location is available exclusively for you and invite you to complete THIS FORM, which requests the precise components and style of your agency that you’d like to promote, so we can supply you with the most relevant content for your business. On receipt of this Richard will call you to discuss any specific content requirements. If your area is no longer available for exclusive licence then your payment will not be processed we won't be able to help you on this occasion.
  • How do I know WHEN to publish/post the material?
    About ten days after we receive your order, Richard will send you an email with his recommended distribution schedule. This will clearly show which article/blog should be posted during calendar week 1,2,3 etc. Although you are free to post whicever article you wish at any time, some of the articles are seasonally adjusted so best to stick to the planner if you can. It would be embarassing to post "Should I withdraw my house for the summer holidays" scheduled for week 26 (June) in October!
  • How EDITABLE are the articles?
    All material supplied is completely editable. It is selected and written to reflect your own unique agency style and approach, eg aggressive or relaxed, traditional or contemporary, country or city, equestrian or seaside, etc. However, you must check each one before publication a) to ensure the topic is 100% right for you at that time (it shoudl be), and b) to ensure that any variables are completed, as some articles have spaces to encourage you to add a personal or local element. They are supplied as word documents, accessed via a link in a dedicated shared folder, from which they should be downloaded before editing.
  • Will my pack include monthly MARKET reports?
    Monthly market comments, in hard copy, script and video format are now offered as part of our ENTRY level plan. These bring hot-off-the-press topical commentary to your website and social media posts. Or you can just use the script and record your own.
  • Is the material suitable for agents in SCOTLAND, or elsewhere?"
    The articles Richard supplies are fully in line with the nuances and legal/procedural differences in Scotland, and your material will be written accordingly. We also supply marketing content for estate agencies in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, France, the Channel Isles, Isle of Man and South Africa.
  • Are the videos ever reviewed/updated?
    As the market, and consumer attitudes, change, so the material provided will need to be adapted accordingly. So we regularly review each video and provide you with updated versions where relevant. We'll also let you have any new topics as they are produced, without further charge.
  • What happens once I've ordered?
    Shortly after your purchase we'll be in touch and ask you for a few details about your estate agency so we can compile the most appropriate videos for you, which will then be with you within 24 hours. If you are buying the Branded Pack we'll also request your logo and colour references. We'll then provide you with a design mock-up for your approval and once approved/amended, we'll then apply this to all your videos. New videos are added from time to time and if there is a specific topic you’d like to see then just let us know and Richard will happily record this without further charge.
  • Why can't I add these videos to our agency website?
    Each video offers expert, often priviledged, advice, for use in relation to a specific situation (eg a seller who is reluctant to agree to a much-needed price reduction). Each is aimed at a seller in a particular position, or where you might need help convincing them (eg to go sole rather than multi-agency). Some videos may even contradict each other and its up to you to send the right one, to the right person, in the right circumstances. Importantly, as these videos include a great deal of advanced training material, you don't want your competitors stealing your great techniques and possibly even using them against you, nor would we want this material to be publicly available for obvious commercial reasons. So please note that your licence to use these videos does NOT extend to posting them on your website. You will receive private access to your video collection, from where you can copy links to be sent to your clients as need be.
  • How many branches does the licence cover?
    You may only use the videos in relation to one estate agency brand, covering up to three branches. A separate licence is required for any additional branches at one third of the annual charge per additional branch.
  • What if I don't use one or more of the services mentioned?
    If you are buying the Unbranded Pack then we'll let you have all the videos (eg pro-Rightmove, pro-Zoopla, pro-OTM, pro-Guild etc) irrespective of your services and affiliations. Just use the ones that specifically relate to your agency. If you are buying the Branded Pack, we'll ask you which videos you don't need and we'll then send you the rest, fully branded to make you look good!
  • Why is this an annual subscription, not a one off purchase?"
    Although this is not a location-exclusive service, we (and you) would prefer that the market does not become flooded with the same material from several (possibly competing) agents, over time. Annual subscription helps prevent this. It also enables us to provide updates and new material for our subscribers, along with market-specific topics that address the issues of the day, without further charge. However, following your first year, you will receive a 33% renewal discount.
  • Who owns the videos?
    We retain all rights to the videos, including copy, imagery and graphics (except any graphics you have supplied if you are buying the Branded Pack). Your annual subscription gives you full copryright useage during that time.
  • Is this an article, a script or a video?"
    All three! Each Monthly Market Comment is written by Richard and supplied in Word format so you can simply post the comment as an article in your blog, newsletter, sociual media etc. It is also supplied as a script, with suble clloquial changes that make it better suited to the spoken word. This is ideal if you are planning to record your own videos. This is the script that Richard uses himself when he presents each Market Comment video. You are free to use these videos, using Richard as your own "in-house" presenter as you see fit.
  • Is the pricing on a "per branch" basis?"
    Each subscription covers estate agencies up to three branches/locations in size. If you have more than three branches, please purchase additional licences accordingly. Eg A four-branch or six-branch firm would require two licences. a 14-branch firm would require five.
  • Are the Market Comments and videos editable?
    The wording for your, blog, newsletter, social media etc is completely editable and you are welcome to use each Market Comment as a base to which you can add your own comments, especially using references to your local area. If you choose to use Richard's recorded video version then this is not editable. However Richard can record a bespoke/branded version if you wish, for an additional charge.
  • Can we embed and share the videos
    Absolutely. You'll be provided with an embed code as well as regular links and you are welcome to share them with anyone as you see fit.
  • How long should we keep the videos/written Market Comments live on our website?
    As long as you wish, but be careful not to look dated by having material that is too old (ie 3m+) UNLESS there is more recent material at the front end.
  • How do I know these letters will suit my estate agency?
    Each letter is written by Richard Rawlings, who, as an estate agency trainer, has an excellent handle on the concepts and key messages that he recommends you should be using. Some letters are gently persuasive; others are more assertive. All are professional, personable and fully editable. So if something is not perfectly alligned with your own "way" then use the material as a solid foundation for your own distinctive version - fully reflective of your agency's unique personality.
  • Can I add these documents to my CRM?
    Absolutely! Each piece is provided as a Word document. You should check each one, make it your own and add to any CRM system, as you no doubt have in the past, and certainly to update your existing material. The PROSPECTING series is especially well-suited for users of automated prospecting systems such as Spectre.

The Rawlings 360 Approach

Over 30 years to research and develop a service every progressive estate agent should be using right now.

Richard Rawlings estate agency training awards and credentials
 01242 421 002.  Email Us Here
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