Subscribe to the RAT
(Rawlings Agency Tips)

​​It's fun, it's free, and it's hopefully really helpful for estate agents looking for a boost first thing every Monday morning.
Sent as a Whatsapp voicenote (usually 2-5 minutes) RATs cover a range of personal development and estate agency-related topics.
These may be new to you or they may just be a reminder - the nudge you needed to take action. All of them are golden nuggets that you should be able to put to immediate use.
Simply register below and you'll receive the RAT's dedicated mobile number that you'll need to add as a contact (please check your spam folder if you don't receive this within 30 minutes).
You will of course also need to have Whatsapp enabled on your phone. ​
We're fully GDPR compliant and we won't misuse your data. It's purely for RAT-related purposes and you can unsubscribe at any time. Enjoy!